[Dalai Lama:] We are all persuaded that we live independently one from another, that a hand, a sheet of paper have separate existences. . . . [But] the profound nature of this hand is to belong to a whole network of influences, none of which is lasting. . . . If each living creature, if every object enjoyed an independent existence, no other factor could influence it. Now, we see that these influences, these relations, are multiple and incessant. . . . Hence, form is "empty," that is to say, nonseparate, nonindependent. . . . Form develops in that void, in that absence of independent existence. The void is there only to lead to form. It can't be otherwise. . . . Thus we have a sheet of paper which is empty. Empty, that is full. Full of the entire cosmos.
pp. 242-243
The Dalai Lama and Jean-Claude Carriere Violence and Compassion
Doubleday, 1996
English translation of Force du bouddhisme (Editions Robert Laffont-Fixot,1994). Conversations between Bstan-'dsin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, and Jean-Claude Carriere. Carriere asked for an explanation of "Where there is form there is the void; and where there is the void, there is form."

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