According to tantra, the ultimate nature of mind is essentially pure. This pristine nature is technically called 'clear light'. The various afflictive emotions such as desire, hatred and jealousy are products of conditioning. They are not instrinsic qualities of the mind because the mind can be cleansed of them. When this clear light nature of mind is veiled or inhibited from expressing its true essence by the conditioning of the afflictive emotions and thoughts, the person is said to be caught in the cycle of existence, samsara. But when, by applying appropriate meditative techniques and practices, the individual is able to fully experience this clear light nature of mind free from the influence and conditioning of the afflictive states, he or she is on the way to true liberation and full enlightenment.
p. 17
Bstan-'dsin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV "The Buddhist Concept of Mind"
MindScience: An East-West Dialog
Wisdom Books, 1994
Symposium held by the Harvard Medical School and Tibet House.

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