After a long time, a crust of "savory earth" spreads out on the waters, and a greedy being tastes it and craves for it. This primaeval act of desire is imitated by others, till the beings lose their self-luminosity, become more solid and proud of their appearance, and so eventually develop into two sexes. Their environment is rich in food, but the more they greedily gather in its bounty, the less it gives. Eventually the idea of private property develops, and theft, lying and violence come in its train. By now recognizably human, the people then form a social contract to choose a king who will rule over them and punish wrong-doers. Thus goes the Buddhist account of a "fall," due to greed and pride, and of the development of sexuality, human beings, and society.
p. 37
Peter Harvey An Introduction to Buddhism
Cambridge University Press, 1990

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