[Carriere:] And if we descend into ourselves, we find that compassion you speak of?

[Dalai Lama:] Inevitably. You yourself have survived only because of the affections of others. And that's been true ever since the cradle, perhaps even since you were in your mother's womb. . . .

And such affection is spontaneous, genuine. The mother expects nothing in return from her child. It's pure affection, noncalculating. But without it the child couldn't survive.

All our lives began with human affection as our first support.
p. 128
The Dalai Lama and Jean-Claude Carriere Violence and Compassion
Doubleday, 1996
English translation of Force du bouddhisme (Editions Robert Laffont-Fixot,1994). Conversations between Bstan-'dsin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, and Jean-Claude Carriere.

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