The altruistic impulse to share food promotes the survival of the group. The alternative would be survival of a few of the stronger individuals who would greedily hoard the available food supply, but, as has been observed, there is a survival value in maintaining the group rather than the isolated individual. It is reasonable to suppose that evolution might favour the survival of those individuals who experience guilt when they behave greedily and that the guilt leads to the prohibition of the wish to have everything for oneself. This form of guilt, which in man's earlier history contributed to the survival of the group, continues to be inherited and continues to exert its influence upon modern man.
p. 342
Arnold Modell "The Origin of Certian Forms of Pre-Oedipal Guilt"
International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 46, 1971
Cited in Michael Friedman, "Toward a Reconceptualization of Guilt," Contemporary Psychoanalysis 21(4), 1985 p. 519.

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