On the one hand, the neurobiologists tell us that the mind dies, or in any event seems to fade away and die (nobody has ever been able to find the substance of the mind). But on the other hand the physicists assure us that the matter of our bodies, at its most elementary level (i.e., the particles), does not and cannot die. Our particles are reconstituted in other bodies which in their turn will be able to know what we call death.
p. 148
The Dalai Lama and Jean-Claude Carriere Violence and Compassion
Doubleday, 1996
English translation of Force du bouddhisme (Editions Robert Laffont-Fixot,1994). Conversations between Bstan-'dsin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, and Jean-Claude Carriere. Commentary by Carriere.

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