And the number of these particles [that make up our bodies] is so high that every time we breathe we take in a few particles of Socrates, of his clothes, of the onions he ate. And not just of Socrates and Julius Caesar, but of all the millions and millions of anonymous men and women who have walked this earth, made up of the same elementary matter that is indefatigably passed on from one to another. Thus, each time he breathes in, the Dalai Lama inhales some particles that formed, temporarily, the Buddha Sakyamuni himself. I too breathe in some of them, and so do all the inhabitants of the earth.
p. 148-149
The Dalai Lama and Jean-Claude Carriere Violence and Compassion
Doubleday, 1996
English translation of Force du bouddhisme (Editions Robert Laffont-Fixot,1994). Conversations between Bstan-'dsin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, and Jean-Claude Carriere. Commentary by Carriere.

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