[Carriere:] Our elementary matter is immortal, but our mind and our consciousness very much seem to die when the brain stops.

[Dalai Lama:] So, contemporary science appears to reverse the ancient data that judged matter to be perishable and the soul immortal?

Yes indeed, speaking cautiously. While some scientists take a radical line here, others prefer to talk about their uncertainty and even their ignorance. To the question, What happens to the mind after death? They generally reply, we don't know.
p. 149
The Dalai Lama and Jean-Claude Carriere Violence and Compassion
Doubleday, 1996
English translation of Force du bouddhisme (Editions Robert Laffont-Fixot,1994). Conversations between Bstan-'dsin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, and Jean-Claude Carriere.

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