Even in the small child one can observe a concern for the loved ones which is not, as one might think, merely a sign of dependence upon a friendly and helpful person. Side by side with the destructive impulses in the unconscious mind both of the child and of the adult, there exists a profound urge to make sacrifices, in order to help and to put right loved people who . . . have been harmed or destroyed. In the depths of the mind, the urge to make people happy is linked up with a strong feeling of responsibility and concern for them, which manifests itself in genuine sympathy with other people and in the ability to understand them, as they are and as they feel.
p. 311
Melanie Klein Love, Guilt and Reparation and Other Works: 1921-1945
Delacourt Press, 1975
Cited in Michael Friedman, "Toward a Reconceptualization of Guilt," Contemporary Psychoanalysis 21(4), 1985 pp. 518-519.

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